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is it weird i love jasper for some reason??i normally hate smartasses but this time its different for some reason. 

I'm sure you'll love his updated conversations in the upcoming rewrites even more! ^w^


I love how the novel is it is peaceful when playing it and the animations and choices are really good it also is very peaceful for me due to my problems in the past but this novel helps me ease through the pain i have. I hope you make more content like this i really love it.


Glad to hear that! Don't worry, we're already working on more content! I hope you'll enjoy our next build! ^w^

(1 edit) (+2)

Where is all this hate bombing coming from? Did you burn down that local firm or something?


Excuse me...?


I don't get it either. 😅😅😂😂


I just meant on the ratings of comments saying good things about the game


Probably just idiots who wanna stir up trouble. I suggest ignoring that. =T


=D Very true, I shouldn't give them what they want. 


i've been noticing that a lot , not just this game but all over.
seen plenty of comments that simple don't even make sense to disagree with have downvotes shrugs

my guess is either trolling or people with misplaced dislike, like how sometimes on steam if one of the companies that makes a game does something stupid and people dislike the game not because the game is bad but because of the company that made it or published it.
this is obviously different from that but the general idea is the same , disliking something purely on association with the actual problem.

it's really hard to tell though without being about to ask them why they downvoted.
perhaps in the future they can add optional comments to up/down votes like they have for ratings.


This one hellova good story


Yes! Version 6! Also so much more cute Nem content I'm glad :)


I don't know why but I just spent hours reading this and I am invested. This is amazing in every way possible. I'll definitely be checking for updates regularly!


Love to hear that! ^w^


Oh man, this game is philosophical. There are realistic debates about plausible events, there's humor, there's music, and I can't wait for more! Keep up the good work!


Thank you! ^w^


The game is awesome and i cant wait for more story to come.                          Your doing great on this!


Thanks! ^w^


I opened this with the intention to entertain myself for 20-30 minutes while another game updated. Next thing I know I have read the whole thing (so far) and 8 hours have passed

This caught me and didn't let go, I can't wait for more!


Glad to hear it! I hope we'll keep entertaining you for another a hundred! ^w^


pretty wonderful game here.

can't say i would do the same things in his position but putting that aside it was a great story.

i think i have an idea of what is happening but i don't want to go into details , i guess my own logical conclusion will be the hook that will bring me back on the next update XD , it's so obvious that it's almost painful but i'll definitely have to wait and see, it's either that or i'm being thrown a lot of red herrings.


now of course just because i could not understand the main characters choices , that doesn't mean i was not invested. being able to temporarily put aside myself....

the only other game i've played that played with my mind in the way would be echo.
not to say the other vn's aren't great of course. 


Yeah the character has some choices that personally i wouldn't make plus there aren't too many choices to make (sometimes no choices for a whole in-game day)

(but this isn't really a problem, you don't need to have choices to tell a story, and the main character can make choices different than what's expected)

still a great visual novel I thoroughly enjoyed, though this comment made me realize just how many games there are on this website with the name "echo" lmao


yes well ... the echo i speak of is the 'echo' from the echoproject

and yes indeed you don't need choices to tell a story but it really does depend on the story that is to be told.
giving the player choice , even a seemingly meaningless choice , is something that can cause the player to become invested in the story if they already where not.

hopefully if they remove the choices from the game they'll at least keep the questioning at the beginning where you input the name XD i named my character Zero.


i may have accidently  further developed my theory while trying to sleep XD.
sometimes i hate this brain of mine.


Ya know i was sad when i got to the end because i really enjoyed this


Sorry about that... I hope you won't have to wait too long until our next update. ^w^


what can I say? I loved this visual novel, I will be looking forward to a new update!


Glad to hear it! ^w^


how do I update it 


Just download the latest version and boot it up. You can then delete your old game folder without issues. The save files are saved separately, so you don't have to worry about losing those.


I don't know if my question can be a spoiler because i guess that we will meet his parents at some point but what's the species of the MC before his transition ? Sorry for my bad English. (Nothing to see but thanks for regularly updating us on the status of the game. That's always a pleasure to read them). 


I was wondering the same


The MC's species is meant to be ambiguous. There is no canon species set for them.


is there a way of seeing all the music at once?


You can follow the links to our musicians to find all the music they've composed for the game. Sadly, there is no unified playlist for the game anywhere due to all the different platforms they use..


thanks for replying! Do they have a special name?


You mean the artists...? They're all listed at the start of the Itch page. 


this GAME is sooo awesome i might be at the beginning or middle and the music the dialogs the whole story is so awesome!


Thanks! ^w^

(2 edits) (+5)

Great art. great character conversations, great music as always. This build actually made me tear up.

I'm kinda pissed this level of quality doesnt get more attention... Y'all should really look into advertising this on things like de r/furryvns subreddit or something, im sure that'd help.


I tried in the past, but it seems like that subreddit's mostly dedicated to a few popular VNs... should discussions about NMF become more prominent there as well, however, I would love to start advertising there again. ^w^


well, just a couple days ago just  a song from the game got a good amount of uppvotes, so the interest is there ;)

(3 edits) (+4)

The best furry VN i've ever read! Nice art style, original story, lovable characters, pleasant music and damn how i like MC's design. I wish you luck with that VN and hope to see more, just take your time with it.

P.S. English is not my native language soo..


Thanks! Hearing that warms my heart. ^w^


Loved the VN so far and can't wait for more! The characters are interesting and the premise is really thought provoking!

Also, I noticed a small bug. It may not be in the patreon build but just in case (mild spoiler):

In this scene, I think you wrote out "he" instead of a getting the pronoun. 


Thanks for notifying us about it! For some reason, this bug keeps popping up from time to time no matter how often we try to fix it... here's hoping that it won't reappear again once the rewrites are over!




i just finished what's avalibable and heck i love it! the fighting scene was really fun and dynamic! im really hoping to see what's next~


Thanks! Next chapter sadly won't feature much action, but I hope you'll enjoy it nonetheless! ^w^


Just read through the whole novel and I have a qustion to ask. Why this vn gets so little attention? The writing, characters, music and the amount of detail in the story is really great and leave a nice amount of things to think about after reading the novel. 

If you read this comment and are still unsure whether this vn is worth your time, I'd say it's definately worth it because this vn is 10/10.


Not enough loods, probably TwT

But in all seriousness, it's definitely a very different kind of story compared to the average FVN. The story, the artstyle and, by a lesser extent, the music reflect that. It's not a story meant for everyone, in spite of the fact that it was made to appeal to anyone. I understand we'll never reach the same levels of fame that other VNs did. And maybe that's for the best. -w-

At the end of the day, all I wanna do is write a story that people love and can resonate with, while still being creative and personal. So thanks for letting me know that I'm succeeding, at least for now. ^w^

(1 edit) (+3)

can't wait till the next update I really got into the game and kind of got mad when it said to be continued but I think its a good thing makes me egger for the next update I was so into it I supported it on your Patreon to help you with it you made a story in my opinion is very captivating and has gotten my mind thinking about spin off type things like if the MC were to somehow get an offer to join the police force of the town or something like that I feel like since the MC is a walking computer at this point it would make it interesting to say they least 

10/10 great game even if it isn't done yet


Thanks! I'll do my best to keep every step of this journey as intriguing and entertaining as the last! ^w^


i'll hold you too that not that i expect it to not be as good as the current update


This game has improved so much and is very good


Thanks! ^w^


this game is updated more than tf2, outside of jokes, good update :D


Revisionists ruined...*spoilers*! Why no one ever reads the theory?!

5.2 is a tease, but thanks anyway! :)


nice game


Thanks! ^w^


I'm really impressed with how deep this VN can be in certain scenes!

I believe this project will reach great Milestones!

I look forward to more updates!!!!

Thanks! We released a new update on our Patreon that you should totally check out if you can. It's some of our most emotionally-touching content yet! I'm sure the next public build that'll come out at the start of next month will be some of our best work yet.


Oh how good it is to read this! I'll be looking forward to the update ;)

I will check on Patreon for this new Build.


I really liked it, but the android version's buttons are too small and I can't press it.


Yeah, we're trying to figure out a way to deal with that. Sadly, the person responsible for the android builds is very busy these days because of another project of theirs (which they're actually paid to do, unlike mine), so we don't have the time or the means to fix that right now. We plan on doing a total android UI overhaul to fix this issue once we find a solution. Until then, I apologize for the trouble. TwT

(3 edits) (+2)

It's a great story and I'm really enjoying it. But it's hard to touch the function buttons below the dialogs with the new Android version, while there is no such problem with the old Android versions. So it would be much more convenient if you improve them. And thanks for your hard work.; D


We'll do our best! We don't have much time at the moment, but we'll figure something out as soon as possible. -w-


The new UI looks awesome! However in the Android version now it installs separately (instead of over the old installation, losing the saves), and also loses de custom load screen and icon, will this be fixed? (either now, or for 6.0?


I'll talk about it with the person who does the android builds, hopefully we'll have a fix ready for the next version of the game. I apologize for the trouble with the saves...


Thank you!

Greetings from Russia!


Where's the android Download button?


Still waiting on the Android build sadly, between all the issues that went wrong lately it's been hard to come up with a definitive one. Now that we've updated to 5.2, should have the android version up by the end of the day.


Gonna read it now, thanks for your hard work as always.


No problem! Have fun! ^w^


What happend to the download button?


i believe 5.1 is coming out for the public today so possible related to that 


Oh, nevermind, it's fixed now :)

(1 edit) (+2)

Wow! Great game. Really well done! Good job! Also is that Rook in the cafe when we made a lil' favor? :D If so cool reference! I really like the artstyle too. Feels a little cubic if that makes sense :D things being in harmonic geometrical shapes always felt futuristic for me for some reason I don't know why but this really nailed it's purpose!


Thanks! And yeah, it is! He was one of the few to purchase a YCH slot from us for that specific background. I feel like backgrounds full of people like that help make the world of our VN feel more 'alive' and realistic than a regular one. Here's to many more to come! ^w^

(1 edit) (+1)

Jokes on you! I'm in to being Posthuman! ;)

Great game, can't wait to see/read more!

Glad to hear it! ^w^


I love this game it is something i can relate to and it comforts me when i play it.

That's wonderful to hear! I'm glad the novel's been able to touch you like that. If you love the emotional chords we strike, just wait until we release our next chapter!

(1 edit)

Can I punch the Bradbury guy? He´s even worse than the dragon

Also, when we will see the rest of MC´s body? I want to see him exposed or at least, topless

Hows it going sedge

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