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I love this.

Thanks! ^w^


I discovered this VN due pure coincidence and automatically fell in love with it. The way how this world is written, the super interesting themes that make the readers think, the decisions which feel like no matter what you choose it can be wrong, it's all so amazing. My personal favorite scene was the chat with Nem, it was just so wholesome and pure, like a hug that hopefully can ease a bit of MCs pain. I'm definitely looking forward to more

Glad to hear it! Sadly, I'm thinking of removing the choices entirely in order to streamline the experience and make the chapters less convoluted and complicated to write... it'll also help make the characters' interactions and their personalities feel more consistent, and I assure you that all the new content I'm including in their stead in the upcoming rewrites will more than make up for them. Either way, I hope you'll continue reading my novel as it grows and develops!


Good game, I really liked how the story goes and the design of the characters.
I can't wait for the next part.


It's coming soon! Just wait until the end of the month for more exciting main story content! ^w^


I finished the current build of the game and I loved it. I have a question though is there romance or just friendships?


Just friendships, sadly; we don't want to include romance in a story that doesn't need it. -w-

(1 edit) (+3)

Im very curious as to what Brave's ability is, if he has one, the concept is intriguing.


I'm happy you're liking the concept! ^w^


For sure, I was honestly surprised with how much content there was already! The expressions are incredible and the inner monologues depressingly interesting.


vewwy nice >w<


Thanks! ^w^


I don't know many people in the start of the café scene but I love Rook cameo from psychic connections!


I always loved his deer boi, and I'm glad we had the chance to feature him in our latest build! ^w^


Such a good story! Also Apollo and Daphne are so similar to Frisk & Asriel from Undertale, it's pretty cool.


Thanks! ^w^


So gooodd!


Thanks! ^w^


That was...awesome! i love it! :D 

amazing piece of art indeed!


Thanks! I hope you look forward to the future builds! ^w^


Always <3


beautiful game so far, is there/will there be a release for the OST any time soon? its wonderful!


You can find some of the tracks of the OST over here! These are only the ones made by Gator Tots so far, but we'll be working on creating one coherent playlist somewhere soon!


The game is beautiful


Thanks! ^w^


You say that again btw i Love this game


The best game I have found on itch in a very long time. Thank you for making this game so great!


Thanks! Look forward to the new build this Monday! ^w^

(1 edit) (+2)

don't know how i feel about the adicion of what i asume are superpowers and ghosts 

sounds like double mumbo jumbo 

i just hope there's a more sci-fi explanation to these things

Either way, thank you for reading thus far! =3


This game is amazing I love the story and the characters

Thanks! It means a lot! ^w^


I Really like this game, won't play it again for a while though. There's just too much content now to play again every time an update comes out. Don't want it to feel too repetitive and and loose all the joy in playing it. You know what I mean?


Oh, I totally understand. I hope to see you again soon! ^w^


That you will... eventually.


Amazing work!

Thanks! Glad you liked it! ^w^


love this game, it has a great story, with lovable characters, and i really look foward to seeing it in full someday

I do so myself! It'll take a long while to get there, but I'm sure the road to the final product will be just as exciting. ^w^


Sad to say that my financial situation has taken a severe turn for the worse. Hope I can resume supporting you very soon. Love this story.


Don't worry, I totally understand! I hope things get better for you soon, fren. The update will still be here for you to enjoy while you show life who's boss! >=3


this is so rare... my god , this is the story and the flow that i want , really love how the narrative is in this story... I'm in love with this~


I'm hooked too. Glad to see a new fan!

I'm so happy to hear it! I hope you'll love our new builds to come as well! ^w^


Hey sedge will there be a more humans in the future like a war torn veteran like character?


just finished today and I have to say I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it >w>


Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I hope you're looking forward to even more awesome content for NMF! ^w^


I started reading yesterday and so far, I love it! The story is amazing! Good job!


Glad to hear it! I'm happy to know that you've been enjoying it so far. ^w^



gotta admit this update was a fast one


Definitely faster than the last, for sure! And hopefully, that'll continue to be the case. ^w^

(2 edits) (+1)

Sedge quick question 

 a human this will be interesting are the genetically modified being or near extinct species?


this scratched a really good android itch of mine, I really can't wait for more of it


You won't have to wait for long! The new public update will be late next week! ^w^


  This is the best story ever!  I loved reading this very much.  I thought the story was intriguing. I really enjoyed the music as well, it seems to go hand-in-hand with every different scene throughout the story. I hope you find my review as a huge compliment because I don't usually leave too many reviews, too often.  However, even in my busy schedule I found the time to write this to let you know how great of a job you have done. I look forward to seeing more from you in the future. Thank You for sharing this with the world!

Your Newest Fan


Thank you for your kind words, fren! I hope to hear from you again as more and more chapters become available! ^w^

thx for makeing this game :)


Did not know what to expect at first.  I rather like sci-fi and fantasy and this kind of borders on both depending on how you look at it.  The story is well written so far.  I feel english may not be your native language as tends to be the case in a fair number of VN producers.  You did a good job with it anyway.  Keep up the good work


Thanks! I hope the next chapters will continue to surprise you! ^w^


I'm not normally a fan of visual novels. But this one really caught my interest. I love the art, and that comic style fight scene was amazing.  Great game 10/10.


Thank you so much! I'm glad I could create something even you could appreciate! ^w^


got a problem and tried every thing to fix it but no mater what the words are all screwed up and kind looks like I can see the code, /nhep/m but so very italic that you can barely read it is what I see for help, but might just be my computer, but it is also not the first, though the programs in between them are fine, I will try some stuff on my com to see if it helps but if not I will comment again.


Hello! If the problem is what I think it is, then I'm sorry to say that it's not something that can be easily fixed: it's a widely-known issue Renpy has with certain setups for no discernible reason. You'll likely experience the same issue playing through other FVNs made with the same engine.
My only suggestion is to play the game on another device, such as a phone or tablet, and hope it works. I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing this issue, and I hope that this problem can one day be sorted out.


New chapter! Time to replay from beginning to enjoy the story to the fullest!


Cotton candy guy & Apollo :D


What a lovely game 100/10


Thank you! ^w^


android apk?

(2 edits) (+1)

It's being finalized right now. It should be out soon.
Edit: It's out now!

(1 edit) (+1)

It's out now! Do have fun! ^w^


I love it its a masterpiece and The one yuuman that treating isacc like a normal person makes me happy thanks ^w^

(1 edit) (+3)

Woooo! This update’s super nice, great job Sedge & co!

The comic part feels so innovative, it’s such a good way to approach fights, just fenomenal!

Really looking forward to the next update!


Oh dear, that was fast! ^w^

I'm glad you enjoyed it! We worked super hard on it, and it's great to see our efforts be rewarded like this. Do be sure to fill out the feedback form we've made to give us your impressions on the novel so far if you haven't already! =3

(1 edit) (+1)

Yeah, I saw the update and was super excited to play it right away 😅

And sorry but I can’t really send the form, Google is super Tor-unfriendly 😕

(But fyi I’d answer 5, 5, Isaac, Apollo, 4, 5, 5, 3)

If I may, I’d suggest adding a “general thoughts you want to share” textbox at the end and possibly make it so you don’t need to login to submit it.


The "login to submit" is necessary so as to prevent people from submitting multiple times. I'm sorry that makes it impossible for you to submit your answers... I'll cherish your answers nevertheless! ^w^



(1 edit) (+1)

Hey there. I just want to say I really like this game and the direction it is going. Trust me if I could I'd help and be a beta tester (don't know how that would work with you) or if I could actually fund you for this but I can't. I will join your discord though if you would like to let me know when new builds come out. 

Now onto some things I would like to say/ask

I noticed that a lot of the story had moment where there was supposed to be a comma but the was this ":". its not all the time that it was unneeded but it was most of the time. My question is "since this game has two Languages, is that a translation error or just a mistake.

Will we be able to download the 2.0 update on once you get it finished. I see that the other builds are patreon exclusive and I won't be able to download it if that is the case. I would have to pay just to follow you or something like that and I love this game qwq

Now that is all I think I have for rn but yea I'll be joining your discord. If I get to test the prerelease versions of nmf I will be glad to help you on this




We have an official Discord server, yes! You can find the link on the game's main page if you're interested in joining! ^w^


thank you sedge i am happy

Deleted 2 years ago

Thank you so much! We're really not that great yet, but I'm glad you're having fun so far. The next build should drop soon-ish, so I hope the story's continuation will be to your liking as well. =3

Deleted 2 years ago

We do have a Patreon if you are interested; that said, simply playing the game and voicing your opinions on it is enough to support us. ^w^

Deleted 2 years ago

"main character... is a masterpiece of character design" I'm honored to hear that 


This is a general question prior to purchasing the game. What is the difference between 1.1 and 1.9, is 1.9 just more patches or is there more content?


I answered my own question, it is the content as I read the last two paragraphs. I cannot read and I am sorry. Will download this after finals orz


You're fine, don't worry. No need to apologize! Good luck with your finals! ^w^

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