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Finished the 8.0 Build, and absolutely loved it! Amazing as always! Mind was blown away from the art as usual! Keep up the amazing work!

Thanks! ^w^


So, I just finished the lastest build, and HOLY! I am more in love with the world building than ever, plus it gets my theory brain going on all sorts of ideas!!  Thou I do have a question, what species is the main character Isaac?  Will we ever find that out?  Either way, love NMF and will look forward to the next build!! 


Well, they're currently a Synthetic! As for what they were before... who knows! =V


You tease, but that just makes it more fun to theorize!! Thanks for the amazing update and more questions to be had!

So, I lost my progress when I installed the update. My last save is apparently invalid.


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "renpy/common/00action_file.rpy", line 462, in __call__

Exception: Couldn't find a place to stop rolling back. Perhaps the script changed in an incompatible way?

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "_layout/screen_main_menu.rpymc", line 28, in script

  File "renpy/", line 923, in execute

  File "renpy/", line 2235, in py_exec_bytecode

  File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 28, in <module>

  File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 35, in _execute_python_hide

  File "renpy/", line 298, in interact

  File "renpy/display\", line 3276, in interact

  File "renpy/display\", line 4110, in interact_core

  File "renpy/display\", line 1090, in event

  File "renpy/display\", line 48, in event

  File "renpy/display\", line 1090, in event

  File "renpy/display\", line 1090, in event

  File "renpy/display\", line 720, in event

  File "renpy/display\", line 1090, in event

  File "renpy/display\", line 1297, in event

  File "renpy/display\", line 273, in event

  File "renpy/display\", line 1090, in event

  File "renpy/display\", line 1297, in event

  File "renpy/display\", line 273, in event

  File "renpy/display\", line 1090, in event

  File "renpy/display\", line 273, in event

  File "renpy/display\", line 979, in event

  File "renpy/display\", line 914, in handle_click

  File "renpy/display\", line 329, in run

  File "renpy/common/00action_file.rpy", line 462, in __call__

  File "renpy/", line 771, in load

  File "renpy/", line 2190, in unfreeze

  File "renpy/", line 2014, in rollback

  File "renpy/", line 1932, in load_failed

Exception: Couldn't find a place to stop rolling back. Perhaps the script changed in an incompatible way?


This is the error message

Just got another error message.


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "renpy/common/00keymap.rpy", line 504, in <module>

  File "renpy/common/00keymap.rpy", line 514, in _execute_python_hide

Exception: Couldn't find a place to stop rolling back. Perhaps the script changed in an incompatible way?

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "00start.rpyc", line 213, in script call

  File "00keymap.rpyc", line 504, in script

  File "renpy/", line 923, in execute

  File "renpy/", line 2235, in py_exec_bytecode

  File "renpy/common/00keymap.rpy", line 504, in <module>

  File "renpy/common/00keymap.rpy", line 514, in _execute_python_hide

  File "renpy/", line 771, in load

  File "renpy/", line 2190, in unfreeze

  File "renpy/", line 2014, in rollback

  File "renpy/", line 1932, in load_failed

Exception: Couldn't find a place to stop rolling back. Perhaps the script changed in an incompatible way?


Where did you last save?

Something about giving a drake the fiercest hug ever

I have decided to just start over. I don't remember most of the story, anyway. Just please try to fix this issue in the next update?


Will you ever release the soundtrack somewhere? Like Spotify or youtube?


Oh actually never mind found it on youtube

You can find links to the soundtrack (divided between the three artists who are working on it) in the credits' section in-game, on our Discord server, and also at the start of this very Itch page =V


Ok okey thanks


I haven't played since build 6 something cus i was waiting on updates. and god damn Is it good I love this. i have 2 tabs open so i can check when updates come out !!KEEP UP THE AMAZING WORK!!


The new build is going public on my bday I'm hyped even more!


new update. bliss. ~w~


Loved this story! What a shame it wasn't finished yet. Really got lost within the storyline.


Glad to hear that! We're in it for the long haul, so I hope you'll look forward to our future updates! Starting with next week! ^w^


Oh yeah, for sure! Thanks for all the work you put into it.

(1 edit) (+2)

really liked this game/story. just wondering, is there a estimated date for when it will be fully completed?

Edit: the name of Pandora for a somewhat shady company cant be coincidental can it?


No clue, lmao TwT

Probably 3+ years at least. -w-

(2 edits) (+2)

thats a long time, guessing its going to be a long game/story?


Pretty much, yeah =V


I litterally cannot come up with words for how good this was.

it was so fun to read through and everything and i cannot wait for the next update!

You won't have to wait much longer! Should have something ready for the Public in a week or so. =3


The way I got upset because of getting so caught on with the storyline to the point of where I completely forgot that this wasn't finished 😭😭


Don't worry! We got an exciting new public update coming out next week! (and a few days from now on Patreon/Ko-Fi) ^w^

(1 edit) (+1)

hey, i just wanted to report a small bug i came across, in the scene at george's place, there are moments he referred to me as isaac, even though i have a custom name.

(i fuckin love this VN btw, its so great, keep up the good work!)

Thanks for bringing this up! We actually fixed that a while ago, but it won't be obvious until the new build comes out in February. Sorry! TwT


ah, i',m glad to hear that, good luck with any other issues! 


But wasn't it George that said that names don't matter?

Yeah, but in this instance George called the MC "Isaac" even after he said that. Which obviously was not good. TwT


Oh. Good to know. Btw, can't wait for next update. Even followed the twitter account b.c. i can't do patreon

The game opens but clicking any options on the start screen will crash the game, I'm on windows 8.1

That's weird... I never heard of that happening to anyone before. Is there a log you can post for reference?

(5 edits) (+1)

Words cannot express how much I freaking love this game, or how much I love Isaac as a character! I wanted to ask, is it alright if I use window_icon.png (the adorable image of Isaac sleeping in the pause screen) as my profile picture? It's just such a cute picture of such an awesome robo boi.


Of course! As long as you credit my artist where needed and whenever asked. ^w^


Thanks! I'll be sure to do that.


I'm watching the playthrough on Youtube, and I'm reminded how much I miss Arthur 😭.

I hope that you are being sarcastic.


Are we not allowed to like annoying characters?


You are! ^w^

Honestly, I'm just happy that people like my characters is all. -w-


I'm absolutely excited to see where this goes next

Thanks! ^w^


Hi I wanted to ask. Is there a way to carry over progress from 1 build to another on Android?

Thank you very lovely game got me hooked and wanting more!

In theory, you should be able to keep your saves between builds from now on. But we'll see. -w-

when I download nmf 7.2 thi s got installed instead


Sedge made a new post, which advises the bug has been fixed.

To be honest, I'm not sure what caused it to begin with, but I was able to recompile it so that it had all the correct data.

(1 edit) (+1)

9/10 for Build 7

Amazing game! The story and character design were phenomenal, I can't wait to hear more. Although, there weren't that many choices (except with the Librarian) and you could only customize pronouns and nick-name, but it's understandable as it would take way too much dialogue writing. Not to mention the soundtrack being top tier, you managed to perfect every aspect of visual novels. I'll make sure to monitor and eagerly await more content.

- phalnxx

hey idk what's happening but when I download NMF 7.2 instead of NMF being installed some other game got installed instead idk if it on your part or on itchios part and I do made several attempts whit the same results any help?

That is very strange... are you sure you're on the correct page?


yes I am as that's the part is co confusing I'm on the right page I did downloaded the right thing but still get a completely different app and I did check through my phone see if something might be causing it but no everything was normal so if its not my phone the platform nor the page I have no clue of what the problem is frankly nor no clue

I'm having same issue


It's a great game with a good plot, astonishing visuals and chilling soundtrack. 


it all right and great  so far 

I think the premise is interesting enough even if I don't prefer linear I can find some enjoyable, tho because this is linear that means I'm stuck on ur path of the story which means I'm stuck being friends with one of my least favourite vn characters I've met in Mary I hate her this is completely my own bias opinion, but I despise everything about her character which soured my mood on the entire story since she's so important and close to the yea I'm sure most won't share my thoughts but when a story makes me hate someone this much I feel the need to vent a little.


Sorry to hear that... what was it that made you hate her so much?

The new update is great! However i've detected a few issues in the Android build:

1. It fails to update the previous build, you can install it if you delete the previous one, but that could be an issue if it persists in future builds in which we dont start from the beginning (although i think this may be intentional)

2. In Android it fails to "fullscreen" and the nav buttons and the notification bar take some space, making the used screen space smaller

Also trying to copy saves from the old version will cause the current version to throw errors and start from the beginning, I guess because of the changes with choices.


Dear lord, what is going on with this Android version? >_>

I'll talk with my team and see what we can do to make the next one a little more stable. Apologies for all the trouble. TwT

(1 edit) (+1)

I personally enjoy issues like these, they don't make the game unplayable as there is a skip option to get where you were before in a short time. I've gotten used to things breaking and have grown to enjoy it.
Also thanks for making a great VN, I've enjoyed everything so far and am looking forward to the next updates!

(2 edits) (+1)

I'm playing the new update, and I've noticed something I really don't like.. You removed the choices. I understand some people prefer this type of visual novel, but personally I feel like it takes away some of the charm. Because of it, I'm not really motivated to continue into the update itself..

Edit: This is just my opinion. It's cool if you like these types of visual novels, I just don't. I probably won't be downloading the newer versions, though..


That's alright. I'm sorry you don't like the change from a choice-driven novel to a linear one, but I felt like it was a necessary one.

For one, lots of people thought that the choices meant that the novel would feature "routes", potentially romantic in nature, with each of the characters, which wasn't at all my intention. The story was always meant to be linear in nature, and the choices were counter-intuitive to that notion.

Moreover, the choices felt more like something that I 'had' to include rather than something that helped flesh out the novel, and the fact that some of them fed into each other later down the line meant that, at some point, 'splits' in the narrative would've had to be included to make the choices feel meaningful, which I didn't want to do for the same reason as above.

I also felt like each choice diluted Isaac's character more and more. I want my protagonist to feel like their own character, and having their personality feel wildly different based on the player's choices wouldn't have made sense, especially considering the other characters' reactions to them which would've had to be tailor-made for each possible playthrough.

Overall, it was a tough choice to make, but I feel like I have a lot more to gain from this than I stand to lose. This way, I can tell the story I want to tell, with the characters I want to portray. -w-

Either way, I hope you can find other choice-driven FVNs for you to enjoy! ^w^


Yeah, those are some pretty good reasons! I definitely understand what you mean by all that, though personally it just makes it feel boring to me. Nonetheless, even though I'm not gonna play the newer updates, I'm still supporting it! I'll make sure to tell people who I think will like this type of game about it. 


I finished playing it yesterday, and i absolutely LOVED it!

It's very hard for me to get attached to any kind of fictional character but i would have been lying if i said i didn't get emotional throughout this VN.

Looking forward to playing more of this!

PS got kinda sad when the time skip happend i kinda wanted a scene where the MC woke up and had to get used to the new body.

Other than that i really want to see more of their family reacting to what happend to them.


Thanks! I'm glad you're liking it so far! ^w^


Just played this game for the first time yesterday. It was a really enjoyable read and the premise is fantastic! 
having the Chinese room argument be the central focus of the main character's turmoil and the central theme of the game was a fantasic idea
I think the cast is a little too large however. the most interesting parts are exploring the MCs relationship with his family, his reactions and struggles as an android and the internal and external politics of the company that made him. 
despite my gripes i still had a blast keep up the amazing work

I love to hear that! The bigger cast is definitely a challenge, but I feel as though every character in the novel has their purpose. ^w^

I hope you'll continue to enjoy the story as it develops! =3


Dont take my critisim too harshly, I dont know where the story will develop so I'm only giving my very surface level thoughts after a single playthrough. what you've created here is still super impressive in terms of conception and excecution.

Were you at all inspired by the use of the Chinese room argument in Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward by  any chance?


Nope! Never played that game TwT

I just did what felt right, honestly. I have played a lot of games and read a lot of books, but I usually just follow my own path when it comes to writing stories. Here's hoping it leads me someplace cool! ^w^


im trying to download it but at the 90% mark it stops and says app not installed and I'm just confused well duh that's way I'm installing it now and I can't for the life of me figure it aut (android A5) also I did had the 6.0 version installed prior to the 7.0


Be sure to have twice the available space for the app to install (on Android, apks are extracted as a temporary file before being installed, and subsequently, deleted)

Or if that doesn't help, try downloading the APK through another browser, some can corrupt the installer, even if you do have the available space to do what I said above.

it defenetly worked but now im in other truble brobobly a bug as when i go to type in your own name insted it Default's to Issac instead of the name I typed


I have a similar problem now, and had in the past with another visual novel. Only a complete reinstallation helped


hey sedge long time player i love all the new additions to the story so far hope to see new characters soon but i have one question when would the update for andriod come out.


Later tomorrow, at the latest.


interesting how main character thinks the species of dr.shelley is siamese cat.
i would not have even guessed cat honestly.

i believe she is vulpine which would also fit nicely with the personality
and to be specific i think she closely resembles a fennec.
at least that is my best guess based on what i've seen

I'm also very over joyed to be playing this new build :) 


Thanks! Hope you like everything else we added! ^w^

canada in your universe is so weird.
when i got to the end there and seen that question of course i had to select it XD.

anyways... now you definitely have my attention if you didn't already have it :)


oh i also once again further developed my hypothesis, but i'll have to recheck it against the story changes to be sure it still holds.  

coffee and my intellect has rarely ever failed me so i believe i can be pretty confident with my hypothesis.

and if it is then president of the stick up thee butts club definitely has reason to worry, though it's not for the reason he thinks.


this scene always makes my blood boil a little (very effective story welling :) ) but it seems as though it still in favor of my hypothesis so far.

Deleted 2 years ago

No. We are currently at Chapter 5, which is nowhere near the end. In fact, we only just begun! ^w^


I need more of this :D .great storytelling can't wait for more content


Please bring to steam when done!


We're actually looking into porting to Steam and iOS as we speak! iOS build should come out this year, whereas Steam will probably be ready by the end of January or start of February.




I don't remember when I downloaded this game so I searched it to see what it was I haven't played it yet but I think it will be good

I hope you'll find it entertaining! ^w^


From what I played so far its pretty good I think I got it a while ago so it's not the newest version so i will download the newest version


as a furry i relly like it so thx and thx

Thanks! ^w^


Is the mc a Gazelle I'm only assuming the mc is a gazelle based on their cousin?


there may also be species intermingling assuming at least genetic compatibility.

so at the very least the mc must be of antelope family but not necessarily gazelle ... at least that what it would have been before the he got turned into a synth :)

of course this is only speculation at best since i'm not the one who wrote the story and their world may function differently in this aspect.


It's not immediately obvious, but the species of a couple's offspring is (for the most part) entirely random. A rabbit and dog couple could birth a cat, and another a hawk, for seemingly no reason. Even within families, it's rare to find two relatives who look alike (hence why the MC states their surprise upon meeting Nem's sister). The MC's original species is ambiguous. There is an explanation for this phenomenon, but I cannot say anything further without veering into spoilers so... =V


is this gay? i wanna know before playing.


you choose your pronouns so it can be if you want it to depending on the route you choose and the options at the start


No, this has since been changed. The story is linear and won't feature choices anymore (aside from the option to change your name at the start and your choice of pronouns). There is no romance or anything of the sort, and the story doesn't prominently feature LGBT issues or prominently LGBT characters. Apologies if that sours your enjoyment of the novel. -w-


oh alright :3 


No its SFW 


To be fair, something being gay doesn't necessarily make it NSFW. -w-

(1 edit) (+1)

Im here again but first about my last comment about having problem on download I found a way by using VPN so if anyone having a problem with download just hit on playstore to install vpn app.

And for the game, Im gonna be complete honest cause it wouldn't be a sincere comment if I just said some simple good words cause it will be just "compliment" and not comment that may or may not help for the projects (lmao)

So, so far its good and intriguing to where the story will lead you and how you're suppose to struggle on the plot but Im gonna be honest, somewhat or somehow I got bored and It really got me thinking why then I thought of things, for me(just me) I feel its very slow pace I dont know if its intentionally slow pace story or not but I really feel its too slow and maybe because of long narration of pov yet the development of the story is, well, slow. Also the fonts are a little too hard to focus, maybe the font style or the color or even the size. Despite of my complaints its a good story so far(im not finished reading it) and the visual illustration is good specially those comic-like visualization. Anyways for now Im gonna read something else and when I feel like it I'll definitely finish this game and comeback to comment on the full game. Love you all......


Thanks for your thoughts! I feel like the upcoming rewrites definitely sped up the narrative a bit, but I can see why you'd find the current version a little slow. Still, I'm happy to hear you've been enjoying it! ^w^


I can't help but see Jasper have his tongue out because of the red machine behind him


Is it me or itch cant download or even show pictures right now since last few days

I've heard this complaint from a few other people as well. I can see pictures just fine on all my devices, but some people seem to be having problems. =T


i think this game is not rly androind compatible as im constantly softlocked in typing your name as i cant progress no matter what i do or how i do it any help?

That's strange... I never heard of this happening before. What Android version are you on?

Deleted post

I don't understand what you're referencing. Where does this bug occur?

Deleted post

Just tap the enter button on your keyboard or tap the name box again.

Yeah, I wouldn't know how to help sadly. It sounds like a problem with your device's keyboard... luckily, with the upcoming rewrites, you'll have the option of going with the character's main name without needing to enter anything if you wish. It's not a perfect fix, but it'll allow you to play the game at least. -w-

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