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I love this story so far but still donno about one thing...
Why is LGBT tag here? I mean, thats how ive found this VN, but i didnt see anything... related as well. Asking just out of curiosity, it doesnt affect my impression of this game >,>


Depending on the first few (and only) choices in the game, you can either keep the MC's given name, or change it to one of your (their) liking, along with choosing their preferred pronouns. If you do decide to alter their identity, the game remembers this, and certain characters will interact with the MC a little differently depending on their choice. Some readers feel as though this is a metaphor for trans people and trans self-expression (whether it remains a metaphor or is further expanded upon later in the story is yet to be seen), so I added the tag to account for them. Other than that, depending on the MC's chosen pronouns, certain characters' infatuation with them can be seen as very, very softcore LGBT romance, though that is not the novel's main focus. I do admit that the LGBT themes are a lot less important to the plot than in most other FVNs, but I still think the tagging is appropriate for the reasons outlined above.


Huh... i thought about it but wanted to confirm. Good idea x3
(Romance with Nem would be a dream come true, not gonna lie)


I just spent about 6-8ish hours reading through this. Didn't expect to go through in a session, but was very nicely done, and im far too sad to have reached the current end.

Very well done to grab me so.

Deleted 338 days ago

It won't start up... how? You're launching the .exe file and it doesn't do anything?

Deleted 330 days ago
Deleted 343 days ago

I'm sorry, but right now, we're only looking for people I've personally known long enough to spearhead official translation projects. Moreover, if you needed an online translator just to post this message, you might lack the fluency in both languages needed to translate an entire novel in another language. I suggest you start improving your fluency by translating smaller works and work your way up from there.

That said, if you do still wish to translate NMF on your own time, I cannot stop you. Just follow the rules you outlined in your message and it'll be fine. 


I read the story 2 times once before update 15 and once after and i must say it that the story has improved a lot after update 15 the team did a great job improving the story. Also can't wait for the next chapter :)


Idk why but because of how far in the future this is set in instead of a rich dude blasting Beethoven in a car from the 1930's I'm imagining some rich dude in a base model 2023 Honda Civic blasting Ballin by Roddy Rich 💀💀

im really liking this game

(1 edit) (+2)

I was fun to play and if your offline for a long time then your have many hours of entertainment. I like the art style too(yes I played ELoNR aswell)


This game is the best itch game I have ever played, I'm only like 10-15 minutes in and I'm already hooked on the story and can't wait to see where it goes. 20 out of 10.


I am playing, but I am waiting for the choices to appear. its rather hard to play when there are no choices yet other than the name and pronouns.

it is very cute though. I just keep expecting choice windows, but its very on rails. I am enjoying it, and thank you for makign this, as I like synths. ^^


The game is linear so there won't be significant choices if any.


thank you. I understand.

Where can I find the soundtrack? Its amazing


There are links to all the composers at the top of the page, they each have a playlist featuring their tracks for the game.

Deleted 17 days ago

i did the same, it was surprisingly easy lol


The way they dont let you know what isac us before the transition is so smart because it lets you imagine your fursona as isac so you can get even more attached to the story. So the point is this is done amazingly 

It's really good I like the art style but there's like thousands of paragraphs of talking just for one little thing there could be millions of paragraphs just for one chapter I don't even know how you can write this much like you spend maybe half an hour just reading all the stuff before you switch to a new scene overall good


Yeah... we're working on that. The upcoming rewrites in Build 15 will fix the pacing issues a fair bit, I hope. TwT

nice 👍 


keep up the good work man, I've enjoyed what you've done so far

i loved this so much please give us more📄


WHEN CHAPTER 11 I NEED CHAPTER 11 PLEASE I BEG YOU AAAAAAAAAA (i love this novel i don't want it to ever end)


i also dont want it to end




the ai thing reminds me of SOMA [steam game] no spoilers go play it for your self


Strangely, I'm doing quite well reading this VN. Maybe the main reason is this VN is easy to understand even though the topic is heavy subject.

Why do I when I first encounter this VN I'm not interested with the thumbnail? The art is very unique and interesting! I like it!

The plot is very good. I still not find how important are the stories about the ‘mismatch’ siblings, Pandora vs FBI, the ‘twisted’ cousin, and the long lost friend with the main plot: “real or fake Isaac”. However, I started to see how these are entangled. It seems we haven't on the middle of the story yet.

I love all of the characters! I think they're well written! But, the the dynamic that I love the most is the dynamic between Jasper and Mary. I feel like they're parents in the Pandora company. Despite Jasper seems hard on the surface, he's really care about Pandora, his family. He tried protect his family from the world outside, even though he have to be harsh and hated because of it. He likes a father figure in the company. In the other hands, Mary is easygoing and doesn't care about what world outside thinks. She keeps the harmonies between family members, by motivate them and protect the family from inside. Mary is like mother figure in the company. I don't know the ages gap between them, but I started to ship them...

I'm very excited to see how this VNs unveiled! Waiting for the next update!


Due the heavy subject, I take a break on reading this VN around Isaac second visit when Isaac, Mary, and Nat discussing about ability users.

Sorry if my review didn't including the current update

I really enjoying this VN!

If you are suffering from depression or are easily overwhelmed by these topic.......caution when reading the contents of this VN or refrain from playing altogether.

The summary sounds cool and interesting, but I'm afraid I can't handle the it

What should I do?

What should I do?

If you don't think you can handle the heavy subject matter, then just leave the novel aside, and wait until you're in a better headspace to delve in! 


Only one way to find out: read it bit by bit and let my bipolar do its job...

Go for it man, give it a try its amazing

(2 edits) (+1)

Another great update))
Probably minor spoilers ahead

The way Nem and Isaac placed(watch their tails) in image when first time met in new chapter is just coincidence or intended?If last and given their later сonversations.....

About uncle and aunt, with overall novel direction that would be really bad time for Isaac , especially because they are religious.In mere fact nothing bad, but religious people more likely than others to turn those things in negative side.
And others pretty showed themselves earlier.Which is terrifyingly realistic, for real life, not this novel(wrote earlier about this).

P.S. Still hate the library.


Minor spoiler

I have a lot of question when I finished chapter 10 and after reading Mary's side story I can confidently say that I am thoroughly confused.


but I kinda get why we need to have Isaac as our protagonist now, because everyone else seems to have this malicious quality on them and as shown on the side story, Mary have an apparent interest in Isaac in particular which is reinforced by the event of chapter 7 - 10 where we get a glimpse of how weird the world of this game is actually is.

 Why does Daphne find it so weird for people to want to do the right thing? Why does everyone find the state of economy being held by one major power normal? Why does the name Pandora and Prometheus not trigger a red flag on people if the world of this VN is based on the real world but is diverged at some point in the timeline according to what we're already shown so far?

Amazing writing

(1 edit) (+2)

George doesn't seem to have a malicious quality to him, and neither does Nem, unless you consider his acceptance that the global economy is run by one corporation because he is realistic to be malicious.

Everyone finds that one major power holding the state of the economy is normal for the same reason many of us in the real world do most of our shopping on Amazon and why we rely on Google more than we should, because it's convenient.

I agree, the writing is amazing!

I concur with alarmingly, this VN is 100/10! Keep up the great work!

(3 edits) (+2)

This contains a minor spoiler

Finished chapter 10 and with it build 13, No More Future continues to be an amazing novel

Minor spoiler 

Isaac, I know you only had the best of intentions, but you should have offered to pay for the items that Nem couldn't afford and respected his choice if he declined. you can't just interpose yourself between him and the self-checkout kiosk and pay without saying a word.

I hope everything will turn out ok between Isaac and New and that this doesn't end their friendship. Isaac has so few friends as it is.

Guess we'll have to wait and see to find out.

Damn, I gotta play this! I love seeing people have lore to their OCs. This might be right up my alley.

THE BEST VN I HAVE EVER READ this actually feeds my autisim so much


tbh this is the best VN i've ever read

its definitely a 100/10

YOOOOOOOO NEM(I just got to the part where he is at) Hehehehe I love that lil dude

(3 edits)

Hi Sedge and team,

I recently finished reading through all the chapters of No More Future available so far, great visual novel! I was saddened when I reached the end of chapter 9 because the novel is just so good!

I did encounter what could be an issue with the novel on iOS, though. I might be missing something but I am unable to scroll down in the chapter selection menu to select the side story, or chapter 9, for that matter. For reference, I read NMF on a 2nd-Gen iPhone SE.

I think you're supposed to hold the space between the chapter icons and scroll down. It's a bit complicated, but we're planning on implementing a better scroll feature in the future.

Yeah, it's tricky but I've mostly gotten the hang of it. As for a better scrolling experience, may I make a suggestion? If you haven't already, I think you should consider adding the buttons the backgrounds and fanart galleries use.

(1 edit)

Still playing but {spoilers} POOR GEORGE ToT

Any chance we'll get a Linux build on Steam?

I assume proton would work


It does, but it makes it very cumbersome to back up & sync your saves. And there's probably other issues I just haven't run into yet. Also, the Steam version includes everything that's needed to run natively, but it uses Proton anyway.


I'll try again to add more platforms to Steam when the next build comes out, but last time I couldn't get it to work... Steam really is way too complicated to release on compared to itch. TwT

is this game bout end of the world


How GOOD this game I find here!

And then I have a request:

We sincerely hope that this game will support more languages. As a pretty good (in every way) game, can you allow us to translate it into Chinese (Simplified)? Of course, if other translators have started translating the game to Chinese, we won't take credit from others =)

My vision was that now that Ren'Py has built-in support for multiple languages, our translations can be easily used in the game across all platforms. Supporting Chinese will also allow your game to get more Chinese players, and we will also help promote the game so that more fans can discover this treasure!

This will be the first translation we have tried and we hope to get your support! The image below is the screenshot from my friend :)

BTW, The above content refers to a lot of machine translation, if there is a creepy English... I'm sorry - qwq -


Your offer is quite flattering, but personally, I wouldn't suggest translating the game at this time.

We plan on reworking the first few chapters of the story at some point for various reasons, such as certain sections being too long, too boring, or just because we wish to introduce new lore bits we hadn't previously thought of.
Furthermore, even if you do wish to go ahead with the translation nonetheless (knowing you'll eventually have to do it again), we wouldn't be able to assist with the efforts in any way (for example, we wouldn't be able to assist with translating the comics' textboxes in Chinese without harming the VN's artstyle).

If you truly do wish to translate the game at this point in time, I can only offer my well wishes to you and your team. My only requirement would be that you still leave a link to the original project wherever you post your own and don't claim ownership over the original property.

I'm glad you enjoyed the game so much that you wish to translate it. No matter what you choose to do, I'm truly happy I got your message. ^w^

Thank you for your support and encouragement for our plan. After all, this is our first attempt to translate a game. Regardless of the result, I hope we can stick to it (considering the speed of our translation, I think we may even have time to modify the translation after the new version is released (・ ω ・`ll))。 Finally, I still want to say that this is really a good game. I hope our final results can recommend it to more people.

Oh,I'm that "friend" mentioned by mangofanfan :P,and this is also my first online communication with a foreign game producer. Please forgive me if there is anything wrong with my language ⁄(⁄⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄⁄)⁄。


Ok that’s fine, and still Thank you for understanding! We are really glad to get your reply!

In fact, whether you make mandatory requirements or not, we will leave a link here on the page of the translation project. I know that developing and producing a game is a very time-consuming, energy and creative work (taking into account that I have tried...). As a translator, we will mark the address of your original work and make any declarations that may be required when launching Chinese translations in the future.

My friend (that is, the one who replied to you together) has always been determined to translate all the current game content. I have provided him with some simple technical support and the production of picture materials (you also mentioned that some materials are not suitable for direct use in the Chinese version). In addition, I would like to know if you are ready to have built-in multilingual support in future versions? Since there are also Chinese players on the App Store who want the game to support Chinese, we hope our translations can help more people in the future!

Finally, thank you for bringing us such a wonderful game! :D


I do plan to support built-in translations of the game in as many languages as possible in the future, but right now, it's so early in development that I can't justify it. Once the game is close to completion or has reached a point in the story where it feels long and enjoyable enough, I'll start looking into supporting translators directly and integrating their translations into the base game. ^w^

(4 edits)

Unfourtanately reached end of this build((

After all i can say that definitely enjoyed this game despite all of it flaws which i'll explain later.As for me best thing in this VN that's it makes think about everything described.Now it's rare to see anyone who lift up AI consciousness and similar topics.So only for this and amount of efforts which devs put in this NMF i definitely can rate 10/10.

English isn't my primary language so sorry for all grammatic and similar mistakes inside text.Next, i definitely cannot say about yourself as an expert in this kind of topic but read numerous books, played some games, watched films and read some scientific papers which lift up this and related themes, plus most important pondered about it for... pretty long time.

So if you disagree with my opinion on NMF and topic i happilly agree to discuss under this post.In any case guess it's part of devs intention))


And will begin with.... what is actually things like "AI", person "humanity" or "yuumanity*"

*In general there's simply no difference so will use yuumanity when i'm talking about NMF, in other cases would use humanity.

AI means Arficial Intellegence, but what we usually get used to name "AI"?Generally it's just nothing more than advanced programs, so called "neural networks ", etc which do exactly for what they are programmed , nothing more.In sci-fi or some discussions usually we can meet combination of words "sentient AI" or in very rare cases some unique words which describes same but they aren't generally accepted.

So as we haven't generally accepted word which means "sentient AI" I would use "AI", in other cases "programs", "highly advanced programs", "AI imitation", etc.

Why so?AI became really popular and hype abbreviation and described things in 95-99+% cases aren't fit for this therm and used only to just get people attention.So with all these facts phrase "sentient AI" much much worse than using instead "humans" phrase "sentient apes" because apes(hell, even mice) have much more intellect and sentieness than any so called "AI".

Unfortunately i can't use something else instead AI because it would make text less understable.Maximum what i can do is not using AI therm for nothing more than programs or similar things.

Most fun part if scientists someday will create fully functional brain with self-awareness it still would be AI.Under "fully functional brain" i not necessarily mean human brain.To be precise it would be biological AI.

Main part about AI,NMF and related would be after reasoning(hope i used correct word) about "What is person humanity?" because it's important for next reasoning.

I wouldn't digging deep in this topic because it's irrelevant for this "discussion" and NMF and it will be so general that's i can say about this as "anyonity".

Basically it's accordance of person to society generaly accepted things like morality, attitudes, etc + personal feeling about who is he/she/they.If they're too different or became different we can say(as example i will use us)  that person haven't or losing his/her/their humanity.


In machine AI case often people talking about emotions (not yet described in NMF) and "doing necessary stuff" which is described in NMF but in a wrong way.

In reality this two problems not even problems, people just overstimate them.

Most(besides people with head problems) humans have emotions but emotions isn't things which are produced by consciousness if did they would be as different as people personality.But they are same - anger, fear, happiness, etc.And more important animals which is big enough have them too, yes, they can be simpler than humans but still, they're exist.It is natural adaptation in order to help them survive like fear of predators or height(for mature non-flying creatures).These who completely haven't them simply died and disappeared forever.

So emotions isn't product of our mind and if we can create AI with consciousness we also can make non-organic alternative which allows machine to have emotions.All of steryotype about machine consioness as pure logical emotionless things is nothing more than delusion and fault of dumb sci-fi scientists.

Remember that our brain based around neuron interaction between them by electrical impulses and transferring atoms or molecules( as i remember) and this theoretically can be made in synthetic "brain".Also at least some of functions(researching of this topic just began) work thanks to quantum physics, but that's another topic and it is irrelevant for this.

With "doing necessary stuff" everything much more simpler and funnier - mostly is nothing more than illusion.Because we do them because our body allows them(excempt pure mental) by hormones, сhemical elements and other reasons.

Why we eat?Because we need food plus what's more important our body produces hormones(i don't exactly remember what, but it is definitely chemical elements, but i will call this hormones even if it not hormone.Okay?) which make us happier if food tastes good.If not this and if taste buds are gone no one would enjoy his food.
So in this case if existed opportunity to not eat or drink we wouldn't.

Why we breathe or sleep?Because it's necessary for our body and mind plus earlier (before current tech level) we haven't nothing to do at night and that's boring.
I can compare this to flying for most birds - they're flying because this is necessary for their survival and they have opportunity to do this.
So if we didn't need to breathe and sleep plus haven't anything which allowed us to, nothing would changed for us.NOTHING.

Why we enjoy sex and it not simple breeding?Because hormones plus this feels nice.If not this we simply would have sex just for breeding.
I want to say thanks to devs for not putting this kind of mature content in NMF.But still it could be mentioned because sexual equipment pretty much important part of anyone.


Same probably for every "necessary stuff" on physical level.
Mental needs probably (i don't sure on 100%) come from both physical(like emotions) and spiritual origin.Latest probably exist due to our consciousness and cannot be measured so simply.

As conclusion i can say two things:
1.On my opinion NMF devs don't really understand topic about this.
2.If AI will made with ability to do and enjoy "necessary stuff" it would , at least on physical level, mental needs will exist(likely) but same or different no one can say; if not... you know, wouldn't.


Closer to end NMF have moment when Isaac bothered by "reality" of his feeling of the world, like hearing, feeling, seeing the world.And as for me devs don't really well explained this by Mary.
Simply if feelings aren't simulated they are completely real.Under simulated i mean made manually for just everything.Simulated feelings have same problem as program "сommon sense problem" - TOO MUCH DATA.So much that's all world data storage isn't enough to simulate basically everything.
Simpliest and most realistic solution is make adapters that can sense world in universal way instead of doing it manually.

No matter of result and how this feelings different compared to humans they would be as real as humans.We feeling everything as our body allows to, nothing more.
All possible feelings as big as pencil dot compared to house or even Earth.
To really feel universe in most realistic way you need to probably be universe itself or someone like Demiurg.



Here we go, to main part all of this and NMF main qustion about AI awareness and "Transited" people as well.

But at first i want to ask you and devs one qustion - do you really understand difference between AI with self-awareness with and without body with all it's functions?

Guess not.Okay, humans or yuumans are creators and they have body, feelings, etc but AI without body - not.And even if they would treat AI with self-awareness as real person and not only, this fact will likely cause inferiority complex plus other differences also can "help" in different ways.
Much less worse circumstances сause major problems in childrens mind which can drive to their hatred to society.Doesn't remind of anything?))
Plus even if to this AI granted emotions and his creators would treat as real person due to origin of his forming and eventually formed personality can be far different from humans and who knows which result this would have.Like wish to destroy humanity because they're destroying Earth and other life on it, nothing personal.

Even worse if they accidentally made AI with at least some levels of awareness and treating him as just machine, as nothing.So wish of exterminating creators becomes much less unrealistic. 

So idea of creating AI and giving android body with all it's restrictions and advantages, especially like NMFs with mostly closed external acess to it.As for me it's nearly best solution for AI.At least for forming AI healthy identity instead receiving good result as if in lottery.

With this far eathier treat AI as person, educate him, etc, just like child at first, than children... Remember from very beginning AI personality wouldn't have major differences from them, at least if base(brain, emotions,opportunity to feel,etc) for consciousness, self-awareness  was made properly.
Our personality and consciousness don't appeared on empty space, all thanks to DNA and all perfomed work to make the body and brain where consciousness and personality can appear and exist.

To believe(i later answer why believe) in AI consciousness and personality they must appear and exist not as something coded(which is only imitation) but on some premaded base after which no code are exist and there's only own actions.

I guess in NMF we have exactly same case in which scientists made only base and nothing else to be sure result wouldn't be "just another program".Main difference is transfering all expierience, thoughts and peronality from existing living person instead of growing it's own.

And i didn't really understand why in NMF Isaac, Mary and others seeking answer on wrong question - "Isaac just machine and original Isaac is died or Isaac never died, only his previous body", perhaps Isaac clearly bothering about this.
When real question is - "Indeed, Isaac definitely not a machine, but is he original Isaac"?
I'll tell right away, first question have it's right to exist but only for those who doesn't know how Isaac was "made".So who was directly involved into this + Isaac don't should be bothered about this too much.
In NMF reality we have two possible scenarios:
1.Isaac is Isaac and he is alive.
2.Isaac is exact Isaac copy and still alive("new" Isaac) + actually newborn but have illusion of opposite.


In first case everything is ok.But in second already exists moral dillemas which partially named in NMF like isn't his is just a pretender of original Isaac to his cousin and haven't rights to act as actual Isaac.But in NMF this mixed with "just a machine", disappointingly.

As for me secon case definitely not best, but better than nothing.At least in some sense you continue to live, bringing new life to world which would free from fear to die from old age.Unfortunately this is only partial immortality, but much more closer than existing  order of things.Plus it's helping for everyone who you cared for.And not only, сontinuation can take a while.
Clone would know this because he is same, 100% same, so he wouldn't so bothered about this.

But what's most exciting news - it's generally imposibly to verify without finding soul, perhaps in NMF.In reality already proven that perhaps some brain functions works by using quantum mechanics, i personally think our consciousness exist due to quantum mechanics.
If everything will be correctly transited without completely breaking quantum state initial person would survive if not, we would have a perfect clone of it.Ah yes, in reality i personally think AI with true consciousness must have brain working not only on physical level, but on quantum physics level too.

Without soul and quantum state factors is impossible to determine whether Isaac is original or clone.
So the only one way is social consensus, like that's one we using everyday - assuming each other as equally sentient beings.
Why is it social consensus?There's no way to disprove that our universe and everyone else can be just simulation on super-super computer.Or other similar things.
In this situation best what we can do is continue this social consensus about everyone.
Better than thinking of yourself and everyone like an AI, eh?*smirk*))

In Isaac case must be the same principle but devs decided to go easier way(basically cheating) and added Abilities, paranormal things, soul... I greatly dislike this decision which kills morality and reduces it all just to searching of soul existence(((


Devs showed in NMF really fucked up sotiety which is doomed in timef of few centuries or up to few thousand years.Pandora gigacorporation(one step and we would have Pandoranation) makes things even worse, especially with transiting.
At first we see so called "yuumanity" multispecied race which was made from ???(huge number) races formed by Shift event few centuries ago from humans.They definitely accustomed with this and everyone but later we see that they have HUGE brain problems.
Okay, they're treating humans as freaks(i understand why devs made so) but they also treat really badly those who was born with Abilities, hell, even simply no one came to Isaac by his/her/they own with good intentions just from curiosity , NO ONE.
Usually expected that multispecied race would be tolerate for those who "aren't as everyone" because they are already accustomed to differencies between yourself.

So from one side they're tolerate for those who aren't same as his race but from other side they aren't tolerate for those who aren't same as everyone -__- :/ .

I understand, devs projected humanity as yuumanity without mental changes but this is just ridiculous for whole multispecied race in this circumstances.


Besides yuumanity is pretty authoritarian society plus they aren't reached enough cultural and mental level but already have society with one corporation without nearly any competitors.
Yes, indeed leader bad it can be forcefully removed but no one can stop this corporation from slow degradation of her members especially with head problem which i already described plus who knows how many those problems.
Finally Pandora will greatly increase number of idiots just bad people by making them androids who aren't age.
Immortallity, even partial immortality isn't always a blessing, for those who aren't prepeared this would be a hell and for those who interacting with them too.
Seems like ending for yuumanity woud be much worse than for Trantorian Empire(read Azimov Foundation, reccomend to read from veкy begginning - The Bissential Man to Daniel Olivo stories and related to them -> to Foundation prequils and beyond.

P.S. It took a pretty long time to systematize everything in readable form))

P.P.S Just for discussions and thinking NMF deserves 10/10 but for major flaws only 6/10 , so i'll give well deserved 8/10(4/5).

P.P.P.S. Bruh, at least this was helpful for me to structurise my thoughts about this particular topic.

(3 edits)

1st part can be skippes but it important for other parts.

"///////////" highlights where i make conclusion what devs made in right or wrong way(mostly latest).

I hope that would be interesting and helpful to read))


The warnings dont lie. 10 min in and already am having to be cautious about my mental health.

Deleted post

i am already so its good


This game uhh... its like kind of a masterpiece!
How the hell is it free, the music, art and story is like top notch.

Great work, the lowest i can give is 9/10 but i know im givin this a 11/10

(1 edit) (+1)


Really enjoyed this VN, all the philosophical discussion including.

Minor Spoiler warning: 

The whole discussion with we first met Bradbury,  I kept thinking "yeah, ok. That's all true for (me/Isaac). But isn't it the same for you? If you can create an AI capable of perfectly copying a person to the point it believes itself to be a person, how can you be sure you ain't one yourself? Have you ever cut Open your skin/skull and had a look beneath? Even then,I meant unless Mary is right about Abilities being a proof of soul AND you have an Ability, you can't be sure you aren't a simulation of "Bradbury". If your own conviction doesn't count, you can always be a biological simulation of your self. If Cogito ergo sum can be a programmed thought, as Bradbury claims, no one can be sure if they are "real". 

(If ppl are interested in this, have a look at the zombie argument)

End spoiler 

No complaints about the writing, just something I felt I had to share.

 I enjoyed it, keep up the good work!

(1 edit)

As for me it's simple - i just don't care.

In your scenario i will treat "me" as actual person, and closest person.

Either for any kind of robot - if it will have consioness and apparently selfconsioness all is good.

P.S. Hell, after reading/watching some anime, VN, game etc which i really like most saddest thing for me that it's universe, characters simply... don't exist 😥

I always know, that's a work of fiction, but still...

P.P.S I know determination of consioness is compilcated.So if to be honest i will treat as actual person in any case if i can't say with at least 100% that it's haven't consioness and selfconsioness and just imitating it.

Sorry for my English , he isn't my native language and i'm bad in writing with it.


if ppl manage to create robots with the sentience of a human at that point you cant really classify it as a robot

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Deleted post

I love this VN i can't wait for the next build

Question: Would you or are you considering creating a version of this that would work with web users by using unity or something? I can't speak for many, but I know that some of us are bound by the technology we use, and this seemed to be the only FNV on Itch that isn't about dating or something. Whether you are or aren't, this is just a suggestion and you can choose to follow it or not.

Unfortunately, we don't have any plans of making a browser version of the game at this time. Though we hate disappointing our fans, we simply don't have the time or experience needed to comfortably port the game to browser right now. If you can't download the PC/Mac version of the game, perhaps you could download it on Android or iPhone, whichever you have? Alternatively, you could try watching one of the many playthroughs of NMF on Youtube if all else fails.

(1 edit)

now im thinking about it can you do a quick demo of the game mot like the whole chapter 1 but just the start of the game

I cant get to Mary's side story on PC. I've redownloaded the files and it still doesn't work. It ends on chapter 8 with no way to scroll down. Any ideas?


It's not accessible through normal gameplay at the moment. You can access it by selecting "New Game" in the main menu and answering "No" to the prompt: this'll lead you to the Chapter Select screen, where you'll be able to find the new side story once you scroll to the bottom.

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