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It has been a month so an update is probably going to drop soon!!

They work real hard on this like monthly updates is amazing 

Eh, might still be a few weeks before a public update. I had to take a break to focus on my driving studies, so that set the new update a little further back. Hopefully we'll have something new for our supporters on Patreon/Ko-Fi soon, among other things.

Jasper kinda fruity tho 😳

(2 edits)

The last build I played was build 7.2, and since I didn't had time I have been putting off the game for a while and
because of the 'after story part' I wanted to check out that part in build 8 instead of skipping to build 9. But there are no way to download that version?

The devlog posts download button just forward me to the main page instead


We delete each past version of the game when the new one is released. The after-story parts are meant to be a little something extra for players who download and play through every new update, and that's the only way to not miss out on them (though Youtube videos also exist, I suppose).

You're not missing anything by not reading through them though. They're not integral to the main story, they're just a way to reward truly dedicated readers with a smidge of irrelevant content. =V

Good god Its already Been 11 days it feels like it came out 2 days ago

I will try this VN...See later


I remember whin this game was only on pc mac and Android and now on Apple store I gotta say you've come a long way and for that congratulations for that 

I wish can play this game but I have a trash phone


Unfortunate... there's a few playthroughs on Youtube of the game if you want to follow those along instead, but if you'd rather not I totally understand. I look forward to the day you can try the game out for yourself! ^w^

Mkay :)


What i played of this game was truly amazing, when isaac was filled with dread in situations i could feel it too, can't wait for the next build of this!


Hi!!! I'm loving this story, and got all the way to the end of build 8 in one day :O I had it installed already, and saw there was an update so I went ahead and updated it, but when I load in to my old loads, it crashes :[. I had saved even before the end thing so I'm not sure what's going on, but I still really enjoyed it!!


Hey! Sorry about that, it just happens sometimes in-between builds. You can always use the Chapter Select feature (available by starting a new game and answering "yes" to the first question) to get back up to where you left off quickly without the need for saves. Hope you enjoy the new build!

Hello!! I just tried that out and it just worked, thank you! Was just a lil confusing because there were two choices for each type of build on start up lol, but I got it :D!!

It doesn't give me the chapter select feature, and I have the weird save glitch..

What do you mean? What happens when you start a new game?

It just says "I see. A new face.." This might be something other than what you are thinking of so here is some of it

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While loading <'Image' u'images/bg/bg/bg transition.webp.webp'>:
  File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 274, in script
  File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 274, in script
  File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 278, in <module>
  File "renpy/common/00action_file.rpy", line 452, in __call__
Exception: Couldn't find a place to stop rolling back. Perhaps the script changed in an incompatible way?

Also sorry for the late response


Multiple new sprites, huge twists and turns in the story, beautiful backgrounds and more?! Build 9 was a ton of fun to experience beginning to end, seriously great work, Sedge!

You mention at the end that you aren't getting any questions to build a discussion after the story. Where are people supposed to submit such questions? It wasn't entirely clear to me, and I'd love to help contribute to the conversation as I'm sure others would too.

Only Outstanding Readers get to ask questions now, and you become one by subscribing to either our Patreon or Ko-Fi for a certain amount.


Oh okay gotcha, thanks for the info! Might become an outstanding reader sometime soon, but for now I'll settle for "Meh Reader"


Newest story build was cool to read.^^

The background art was great, i think it did well with the tone of story at that section.

Love how you update it almost every 20 days 

...Last update was in February. =T


Glad I found this VN. This is now one of my top favorites! Can't wait to see where this story goes.


love the way the story is going and can't wait for more!


Was the Yes less Past the break thing


Yes Less Past is an april fools FVN (guess you can clearly relate it to No More Future)


At least for me, I think non self inserts are usually more intriguing, or at least informative. Seeing how another person reacts due to a certain way they were brought up, the way others react to them, and their history is far more interesting than picking a couple of options when I don't know their full story. Like you mentioned in the alternative toaster universe, people seem to not like opinionated characters, but I couldn't love them more. Even if I don't always agree with their choices, I enjoy reflecting on why they may have made those choices based on who they are, which in turn tells me more about them as characters.

(1 edit) (+4)

Man i Really love this VN i  lost track of time rereading it last i checked it was 6:12 PM now is 11:29PM. If I didn't have school in the morning I would be up all night but finishing this. I blame you WHY would you make it so good

(1 edit)

LOL, me to. I ended up pulling an all-nighter because of how good this is.


You really cut down ALOT of the choices we could make


It is a linear vn- most of the choices are just for flavor. 


Pretty much. The only choices you can make are in the prologue, and aside from whether you keep the default name or not, they're not particularly relevant.

(6 edits) (+1)

(Reporting a bug I think) I was playing it again but i skipped to the Meeting Apollo and When he went to give us an introduction he said Isaac and when we speak it also says Isaac

(I did have my name changed...I think I did anyway)

(This part isn't a bug report its just a question) Will there be different Story changing outcomes from the choices you make? And will we have to at any point talk to are parents/George`s

(also isnt a bug report) Did you get rid of the part where you tell whats his face the FBI dude to fuck off. Just finished that part and i am happy to see that its just a normal part of it now 

We are aware of that bug and have fixed it. Should be good to go starting from the next Patreon build.

Also, no, there won't be any choices in this novel past the prologue and the story will be fully linear. -w-


Hello I have very little to say other than your great you and your team really have a masterpiece here 

Ps:I think the way you did the "to be continued "was brilliant and still enticed me almost as much as the actual story due to the mystery behind it.   UwU


I'm still in the middle of playing thru this VN after putting it off fur the longest time- but dang, do I efur love it!! All the characters are so loveable, and I relate to Isaac and Nem the most!! I love the music, the whole world it builds, efurrything! <3

Also, I don't know if it's intentional, but the way Isaac's transition from yuuman to synthetic is handled reminds me of a lot of my own (gender) transition, and that just makes me love it all the meowre! :3


First off; love this VN, been following it ever since there was only one proper chapter. Second off and related to that; there has been a line with a very minor oversight that's persisted ever since back then so I wanted to bring it up. During the introduction with Nats there is a point where your character is refered to as "he" even when I chose "she/her" at the beginning, but as far as I know that is the only time it happens. I don't know if I should just outright say which line it is here or somehow contact you directly about it.


Thanks, I see it now. We'll have it sorted in the next release!

yeah, i've noticed a similar issue when first meeting with bradbury, he refers to the mc as "he" in one instance even when i chose they/them pronouns.


I actually also noticed this, there's an incidence in the first meeting with Jasper where the male pronoun gets used, and then one where Jasper is referred to with the choice pronoun in the same sentence as the male pronoun which felt kind of confusing. Minor issues, though.

I was going through the new version vn (ver 8.2) again, and I noticed that even I chose to be called with another name, they still call me Isaac. I wonder if it's a bug, or you make it intentionally.

When does this happen? Did you start from the beginning, or from a later chapter?

Both. I started from Chapter 1, and noticed I was using the name Isaac. And then I chose to start from the beginning, but sadly nothing changed.

I finally make some time to play further. Now that I got my new body, I'm finally using the new name I chose. Problem solved. Sorry for any trouble I brought, and thanks for the great work.

Yeah, that's intended. The MC only changes their name post-Transition. Apologies if that was confusing. -w-

The option was offered to select a name for yourself in earlier versions, as in a name that you would have post-Transition. I understand removing a few choices with a retcon (like the vending machine in Ch. 1) but removing the choice of a former name felt a bit odd.


I played this over a couple of days. I enjoyed the themes of the story and the writing. The artwork and art design is also great.^^ I can't wait for more and wish the team good luck on the development.^^

Thanks! ^w^


This used to be a great visual novel but now there's no more choices anymore except the whole whether you to still want be called issac or something else it sucks


Just because a VN no longer has choices doesn't mean its bad. Its true that the ability to influence the story has its appeal, but the story itself isn't diminished by making it fully linear. Imo, I think the game is still very enjoyable regardless


I assure you, eliminating a few useless choices that didn't impact the plot in the slightest ruined absolutely nothing. But you're entitled to your opinion nonetheless. -w-

It's just that having options that do nothing solidify's the whole no more future title that no matter what you do nothing changes as you'll never be in control of what happens next

Yeah... that's not what the title's supposed to mean. -w-



I just had a content idea. What if there was a separate file, either as another game/minigame or as a mod for the current game that showed the full tour in (I believe) chapter six? I believe there are people who would love to see more about that considering the current content available to the public is already very exciting. I'm not going to say too much more about it, so I don't spoil anyone's gaming experience too much, but as an absolute science nut I'm very intrigued by the possible theoretical scientific learning potentials. I do like the descriptions already there, and I feel as if it's already given me valuable knowledge to new and very exciting theories. If anyone on helping development of the game feels as if it's too much to handle, then I can understand why, considering the further development of the game is a big task already, so if my request is seen as unreasonable then I won't have any complaints. But, I am already excited about what I have seen and what my imagination has come up with in response. Sorry for making this comment so long, but I'm invested in the theories you and your team have placed in my mind and I felt that a longer message would show my feelings better. 

I've been criticized in the past for making my descriptive sequences too long, so I figured I shouldn't bore people with unnecessary details or going too in-depth on technologies that are barely understood in-game, much less IRL. It's better to keep things brief and simple, as much as possible anyway. -w-

Thanks for appreciating what we wrote so far anyway! ^w^


Thank you for the timely reply, and I can understand why you've come to say this. If there are bigger reasons that you feel are important enough to decline my idea, then I am willing to take no as an answer because I know that game development isn't easy, so I don't want to put more unnecessary strain onto anyone that doesn't want it. But, the idea I had was to have a file, either separate from the game or as a DLC pack, that could be downloaded by those who are interested and are willing to go through those lengthy descriptions. Something to let those who want to see such descriptions have that choice, but also letting those who just want to see the game have the option to exclude the bigger description in favour for just enjoying the game for what the storyline has to offer. Again, if there are any reasons that you feel this idea should be declined, even if you don't list them, I am willing to take no as an answer. Even if the reason is that one person is uncomfortable with creating that content, I don't mind and, if you would rather not let me know why this idea is being declined, then I am fine not knowing the reasons behind it. Thank you for replying beforehand, and thank you for previously considering my idea. Again, I am sorry I have made this message so long. 


I mean, that's a lot of effort we'd have to go through to craft extra content that only a select few people would be interested in, only to get called out by many for being entirely ignorant of basic scientific theory =V

I'd rather stick with what I'm comfortable writing than pretend to be knowledgeable in fields I have absolutely no experience in. -w-


people who complain about scientific accuracy in a Sci-Fi world are very 💀

being a science person i love how people can have their own interpretations of modern technology and the future, and half of what keeps me reading is the distinctly recognizable but subtly different setting that is the world. 

a lot of sci-fi-ish things these days would also attempt to bring into play how certain major disasters affected the time in between ours and theirs, and it has a huge impact on plot. here, instead, the plot is focused on the characters themselves so far, which feels a lot more engaging than just story points.

Rene said that there aren't enough questions being sent in, if that's the case, where can we send in more questions?


The questions can only be asked by Outstanding Readers on Patreon and Ko-Fi right now. -w-

Ah, thanks for clearing that up I didn't know

Is there a discord


It's at the bottom of the description of the game =V


This game art style is great




When you would download a new release, how would you keep your save files? (Also for a second when I did go to this page to see if it has any information about it, in the installation notes I thought the first one on it was a reference to the game lol) 


The game stores your save files separately from your game files. Downloading a new version does not affect your save files, so just download the new version, delete the old one, and your save files will still be there when you open the game.




Very fun!


I absolutely love this game! It's amazing! The soundtrack is a bop, the character's art designs are amazing, and the plot is fantastic! I can't wait for the next update! genuine 10/10!


I absolutely loved the new update. And a great place to leave a cliffhanger. Keep up the amazing work and don't push yourself too hard.

i cant help but fell that the black box bing forsed 2 use the wight box is why rher powes dont work they cant have somthing from outside get in but somthig like ther powers cant get out or wold have a vary hard time geting used

10 out of 10 with rene i fell like i am being watched like irl like he is giveing me the vibes of  talking to someone but not how did you draw him to give that off its like he is a ghost or a god ther but not at the same time

and are they like the watcher then can watch but cant do stuff in No More Future and are world they can look but if they act is up to them but onley if they want to make a story more fun or fix it ther and ther


I found a DIAMOND or a blackhole ? :v. I know the new build just came out but i cant wait to see what happen next. I finished all from beginning until build 8 in one sitting .... Furry + Sci-Fi + awesome world building = my fav. Guess i will re read this all over again cause i love every single thing about this vn. Keep up the amazing work !!!. I have read a whole lot of vns furry or not and this one is my FAV so far and i'm willing to reread this all over again !!!

Thanks! I'm glad to hear that. ^w^


I cant wait to see more of Nem he is so cute. I restarted just so i could talk back with him. Cant wait to see what you do with him

Me too, buddy. >_>
Kidding, we have a few things planned. Hopefully we'll get to see more of him again soon! ^w^

Agreed, Nemurin is adorable.


I love this game's soundtrack. And how/if was the dependence on fossil fuels and global warming solved?

We'll have to see! =V


I really enjoyed this game seriously is so good, for the dev keep going you're doing great! :D

Thank you! ^w^

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