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My excitement is palpable as I await the next chapter of this story!, I have always loved the art style and the story is a great read!, I have read a disturbing amount of vns and this one has to be somewhere in the top few! 

(4 edits)

How many chapters are in this game?

Including those that have not been updated.

In terms of story, there is currently one Prologue, 12 Main Story Chapters, and 2 Side Stories (both canon, they're just from the POV of someone other than the MC). We are currently working on Chapter 13, which should be released sometime this month or early next month at the latest.

(2 edits) (+1)

I'd like ta thing either At best; the transition works & your mind get digitized into a synthetic body. @ worst; the transition doesn't work so it's just an exact digitized clone of you. 

When's the next update gonna be out?


Today u fluff butt


I'm loving this visual novel. I've gone through this visual novel more than any others. Definitely would rate this a 10/10. I just wish updates could be quicker, but I know what it's like to develop a game (not on, as it takes time and everyone has a life. Regardless, amazing work to everyone involved with the creation so far of No More Future!

(2 edits)

Can I add language to this game?

Looking forward to your answer.


If you're talking adding translations to other languages, I'm sorry, but they're currently not our priority. We've already got our hands full developing the game in English, and lack the resources and manpower necessary to translate it to other languages we may not be as fluent in.

Then can I do that?

I'd rather not rely on people I'm not already familiar with to spearhead translation efforts for my game. You're still free to translate the game for your own personal entertainment, of course.

Thank you for your answer. :)

I haven't finished this VN yet, but I'm not sure if I ever will. Tho it is interesting, thee is just way to much writing for EVERYTHING that it takes about an hour for me to get to the interesting stuff, and then that stuff doesn't end up being that interesting. I can tell that curtain people will love this but Unless it REALLY starts to get good, its on pause.

Im at the part where we are looking at the Sentech tech, like a tour. Dose it get more interesting? 


It's a shame the game wasn't to your liking. You've read more or less half of the game so far, so if even the more philosophical, political, or action-oriented sequences "didn't end up being that interesting", it's safe to say the rest won't be either. I hope you can find another game that's more in line with your tastes.

i was hoping u wouldn't be the one responding I'm sorry! 😭 I think it's just not my kinda story cuz i like the romantic aspects of story's, or friend ship. Cuz the part with George WAS really good

(1 edit) (+2)

O yeah when i first saw apollo i was "you gonna tap that, and if you dont. i dont care its MY CANON NOW"

loving how the game goin

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